The Horse Physio - Delivering care with expertise since 1992

What do you love about your horse, and what are your biggest challenges?

What do you love about your horse?

In a recent survey I sent readers of my free newsletter, ‘Horses: Health and Happiness’, I asked them what they most loved about their horse. Here are some of their answers:

  • Our connection
  • How much they teach us
  • His gentleness
  • The companionship they bring
  • The empathy I can feel with them
  • The way she makes me reflect on myself. The connection and challenge of it all.
  • The calmness and serenity I feel when working with and around them.
  • Watching him ‘be a horse’ and connecting with his personality make being together special and fun.
  • The bond and building a partnership.
  • Companionship
  • Her kindness and grace
  • That awesome horse-human relationship

These are some of the responses I got when I asked my newsletter readers what they love about their horses. What do you love about your horse? Let me know in the comments, or drop me a message.

What’s your biggest challenge in managing your horse’s health and well-being?

I also asked about your biggest challenge in managing your horse’s health and well-being. There were some fascinating responses to this question. I wonder if any of them resonate with you? These are just some of the answers:

  • Time
  • Limited by livery options and work/life balance
  • Stress/pain
  • Lameness
  • Finances
  • My own mindset and lack of confidence in ability / doing the right thing
  • Keeping them sound and injury-free
  • Not enough hours in the day
  • My lack of facilities/money/confidence
  • Striking a balance between pushing forward and slowing down, and making sure I am not too rushed nor too tentative
  • Age, ours and theirs
  • Only have roads to exercise ridden and in hand.
  • He came with a history of issues so it’s been finding out what is the main one.
  • Being uncertain about his comfort when ridden

Send me a message to let me know what the biggest challenge is facing you and your horse right now and if there’s anything I can do to help. I offer courses and consultations, online and in person, including a free 15-minute introductory call to help you figure out what the best option is for you.

Can you find reliable equestrian education online?

What are your challenges in finding reliable equestrian education online? I also asked subscribers about the challenges of finding reliable equestrian education online. The overwhelming theme was that there is lots of information, but knowing who to trust is hard. Responses included:

  • Getting independent advice free from commercial bias
  • It’s hard to know if the information is any good or not and what information applies to you and your horse right now
  • There are so many resources, and they don’t all say the same thing, so working out which is right for my horses
  • Differing information
  • Difficult to separate good from indifferent

What challenges have you come across in searching for online education for you and your horse? Drop me a line to let me know so that I can try to avoid that pitfall.

Are you looking for inspiration?

I was interested in knowing which equestrian podcasts my readers listen to, and I thought it might be helpful to share some of the answers if you’re looking for inspiration. Several people mentioned watching or listening to my daily top tips on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. Please note that I haven’t checked the following podcasts out and am not personally recommending them; this list is compiled from the answers to the survey that I sent out to readers of my newsletter! There are many different podcast platforms so I have not put links in this list.

  • That’s Lame
  • British Dressage
  • Stable Science
  • Decomplicating Dressage
  • The Horse First
  • The Humble Hoof
  • Emotional Horsemanship
  • The Journey On
  • The Confident Rider
  • The Whole Horse
  • Horse Training in Harmony
  • Mary Wanless
  • Intelligent Horsemanship
  • The Equine Physio and Rehab Podcast
  • Horse Chats
  • Moody in the Mike
  • Poles, Piaffe and Prosecco
  • The Horse and Hound Podcast
  • Rhea Freeman
  • EquiRatings
  • Equestrian Perspective
  • Nicker News
  • Carson James
  • Compass Conversations
  • Taking Care of Training with Tracey Duncan
  • Jane Pike
  • Lockdown Farrier
  • Mad About Horses
  • Karen Rohlf
  • Equine Voices
  • Horsemanship Radio
  • Talking Horses
  • The NRG Podcast
  • Listen With Equiteam

I hope you can find something inspiring in that list or in my daily top tips!

What do clients say about my online offerings?

With your thirst for knowledge and desire to do your best for your horse, have you looked at the online courses I offer? Subscribed to my free newsletter? Or booked a consultation with me, either online or in person? Here’s what some of my customers have to say about the online education that I have available for you:

  • Thank you!
  • The free videos and trailers are very enticing.
  • All is very good.
  • I like the emails!
  • Very welcome information.
  • Brilliant informative education.
  • It’s excellent and I can trust it.
  • Good and clear.
  • Useful and informative
  • The content is great and very helpful as well as practical.
  • Excellent, enjoyable and appropriate content.
  • Please do more! We are hungry for quality content!!
  • Glad I found you!
  • Thank you for your caring and sharing, Sue; much appreciated.

Is it any wonder I love my work so much?

About Sue

Subscribe to my free newsletter for news, views, and exclusive deals. I’m Sue Palmer, aka The Horse Physio, specialising in the links between pain and behaviour in horses and focusing on prevention, partnership and performance. I’m an author, educator, and award-winning Chartered Physiotherapist, promoting the kind and fair treatment of horses through empathetic education.

You can find The Horse Physio on the web, FacebookInstagram, and YouTube.

I’d like you to be aware of my books, including Harmonious Horsemanship, which I co-authored with Dr Sue Dyson, and my online courses, including Horse Massage for Horse Owners.

Thank you

I appreciate your interest in this post; I appreciate your time and am grateful you chose to spend it with me. If you found value in this article, please support me by liking, subscribing, following, and sharing it on your favourite social media platform, and turn on the relevant notifications for future content from The Horse Physio. Please also take a moment to subscribe to my newsletter. Your support means the world to me and helps me continue creating content that matters to you.

Keep smiling, happy horsing!
