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pain in horses
Why Recognising Pain in Our Horses is Essential
Sue Palmer
January 19, 2025
As horse guardians, we are entrusted with our horses' well-being. Yet, because horses naturally hide signs of pain, discomfort often goes unnoticed until it becomes severe. Pain affects their movement, behaviour, and overall quality of life, which is why early recognition is vital. In Harmonious Horsemanship, co-authored with Dr. Sue Dyson, we introduce the Ridden Horse Pain Ethogram (RHpE)—a powerful, evidence-based tool to help identify pain-related behaviours. Let’s create a more harmonious, pain-free life for our horses. 🌿
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An Apology To My Horse
Sue Palmer
July 23, 2024
Dear P, I'm sorry. I regret ... I now understand that you were in pain and doing your best. I apologise. I have been around horses for nearly 50 years, and I could go on and on with my apologies. I have made many mistakes, often due to ignorance. I am sending this sincere apology into the universe, hoping it reaches those who need to hear it from me. From now on, I am putting my energy and focus into making amends where possible. I am committed to learning how to recognise pain in horses, both ridden and non-ridden, and sharing this learning with those who are interested.
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A Promise To Your Horse
Sue Palmer
July 11, 2024
Dear friend, I promise to do my best to put you first and to understand your needs, wants, and desires. I realise you are wise in so many ways, and I am ignorant. I am in awe of your energy, peace, acceptance, beauty, and grace. I am grateful that you agree to spend time with me, and I promise not to ask of you that which you do not wish to give.
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Can your horse tell you where it hurts?
Sue Palmer
June 4, 2024
I had a self-care day with an online Somatics session from Nicki Marshall, The Somatics Coach, and an online consultation with Mehmet Gem, The Hip Physio. As you probably know, I believe in regular physiotherapy for maintenance and prevention. Given the physical job I have and the importance of staying sound, I have physio approximately every six weeks with Dave Paling at the Snazell Pain Relief Clinic, and massage, reflexology, or whichever of her therapies takes my fancy, every six weeks or so from Jenny Charlton at Holistic Horizons. The body fascinates me, and I love learning about health. In all these sessions, the practitioner relies on feedback from me, the patient. I’m acutely aware of how much feedback we miss from our horses since they can’t communicate verbally.
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Horses In Pain: The Link With Behaviour
Sue Palmer
May 9, 2024
What got you interested in the links between pain and behaviour in horses? Perhaps there is a particular horse that has come into your life, or a past situation that you would like to understand better? Maybe you wish that you'd known then what you know now, so that you could do things differently? Here, in an extract from the preface, I explain how and why I came to write Harmonious Horsemanship with Dr Sue Dyson. In this informative book, we explain how the Ridden Horse Pain Ethogram is essential in recognising pain in ridden horses.
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Ease your horse’s neck stiffness with this gentle fascial stretch!
Sue Palmer
May 1, 2024
If your horse is stiff through his neck, you can help to improve the movement with regular stretches. This fascial stretch of the equine neck and shoulder girdle muscles is taken from the online course, “Stretching Your Horse: A Guide to Keeping Your Equine Friend Happy and Healthy”, with me, Sue Palmer, The Horse Physio. I’m on a mission to help those who can't get the horse physio assessment and treatment they would like to offer their horse, and I’ve carefully and lovingly created this course with that aim in mind.
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Don’t wait until your horse is in pain to check their comfort levels!
Sue Palmer
April 28, 2024
I’m frustrated at horses being labelled as naughty when they’re actually lame or in pain. How else is a horse supposed to tell you that he’s hurting other than through his behaviour? Since you’re reading this, I know you share my frustration. We know that just about everyone loves their horse and wants the best for him. You’d be devastated if he was in pain and you didn’t know about it. So, to help owners and riders be more confident that their horse is comfortable, I’ve put together this short video and blog, which I’d appreciate it if you would share widely on your favourite social media channel. Here are three simple exercises you can do on a daily basis to check that your horse is comfortable.
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The Ridden Horse Pain Ethogram: A Tool for Equine Wellness and Performance
Sue Palmer
April 14, 2024
Join me on a journey as we delve into the significance of 'Harmonious Horsemanship' and the transformative Ridden Horse Pain Ethogram! Let’s uncover insights shared during a recent webinar I presented with Dr. Sue Dyson hosted by Gillian Higgins of Horses Inside Out.
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How Pain Affects Your Horse
Sue Palmer
April 7, 2024
In any subject, there are key areas to consider. In this lesson, ‘How Pain Affects Your Horse’, I’ll discuss the ‘5W’s’ of pain, the what, why, when, where, and who. I’ll also include the ‘H’ of ‘how’. What is ‘pain’? The International Association for the Study of Pain (ISAP) defines pain as "An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage.” Short-term pain is called ‘acute pain’, and long-term pain is called ‘persistent’ or ‘chronic’ pain. Pain that comes and goes is called ‘recurrent’ or ‘intermittent’. Pain is a complex phenomenon involving our whole body, and the experience of pain can change from one day to the next.
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Why does my horse buck?
Sue Palmer
March 16, 2024
“There can’t be much wrong with him if he can keep bucking people off the way he does”, is how I was greeted at a yard recently. I know I’m preaching to the converted here, so it’s safe to vent my frustration. I’ve put years into writing ‘Brain, Pain, or Training’ and then more into writing ‘Harmonious Horsemanship’ in partnership with Dr Sue Dyson. Dr Dyson has spent years developing the Ridden Horse Pain Ethogram (also known as the Ridden Horse Performance Checklist - you can download a FREE PDF here) and ensuring that multiple robust scientific studies back up the list of 24 behaviours. That’s on top of the hundreds of scientific papers she’s been involved in around horse health. And that’s just me and Dr Dyson. There’s a worldwide conversation around social license for equestrianism. Discussions around horse welfare are at the top of the Paris Olympics agenda.
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