Any personal information provided to or gathered by is controlled primarily by The Horse Physio. 8 Kingcup Road, Stafford, Staffordshire. ST17 9JQ.
If you have any concern about privacy at The Horse Physio, please e-mail us a thorough description and we will try to resolve the issue for you. Our business changes constantly and our Privacy Notice and the Terms & Conditions will change also. You should check our website frequently to see recent changes.
As a Client:
We collect personal contact information of you, your vet, your horse, relevant medical information of your horse, and if you feel it is important yourself, along with an emergency contact and horse insurance details where required.
As a consumer visiting our website:
We use the information you provide us to personalise and continually improve your experience with The Horse Physio. This means that we try to personalise communications, and to ensure that you land on relevant pages of our website without the need for additional navigation.
We use the information to communicate with you about offers, products and services, update our records and generally maintain your accounts with us.
If you are a member of our internal staff, or are an external consultant, we may process sufficient data that we can fulfil our contract with you (ie pay you on time).