The Horse Physio - Delivering care with expertise since 1992


Physiotherapy is an essential adjunct to conventional veterinary medicine.

All horses can benefit from physiotherapy, from happy hackers to top competition horses (as can their riders!). Sue’s specialism is in the links between physical findings, performance and behaviour, and she treats every horse as an individual. A detailed assessment, thorough treatment, and excellent communication between physio, owner, and other professionals involved in the horse-rider relationship is key to Sue’s success and popularity.

Physiotherapy is comprised of a collection of scientifically researched skills:

  • Manual therapy
  • Electrotherapy
  • Exercise and movement
  • Advice and education

Sue uses a selection of these as appropriate to your horse’s circumstances. Her preference, in general, is for manual therapy, exercises (for example, massage, stretches, or in hand exercises), advice and education. The work you do with your horse following the treatment session helps consolidate the treatment, and to optimize your horse’s recovery, performance, and overall well-being.

For some horses just one session will provide relief or flag up related issues that need to be addressed (for example, saddlery, dentistry or veterinary concerns). Others need more treatment to support ongoing issues or underlying weaknesses. All horses can benefit from regular treatment, and many of Sue’s clients schedule routine appointments throughout the year. This serves to maintain (or improve) performance, to reduce the risk of injury, and to give peace of mind for the client., as they will know that any problems that arise will be recognised and addressed at an early stage, before they become problematic or cause the horse any major discomfort

Watch the treatment process

Sue says...

Behaviour is communication

A horse can only communicate discomfort through his behaviour or his performance. For the horse to work at his best, his body must be functioning at its best. I particularly enjoy getting to know a horse and his owner, and working together to maintain or improve performance, and to reduce the risk of injury.

I help you, the owner, to become your horse’s best expert. I explain what I find, what I’m doing, and what you can do to help.

Natural healing process

I want to 'press the right buttons' to trigger the body's own healing response. I'm not a surgeon so I won't take anything out. I'm not a medical practitioner so I won't put anything in. I believe that nature knows best, and that if the body is able to heal itself then it will do so given the right conditions and encouragement. I want to do what I can to remove any impediment to that natural healing process. I work to reduce pain and improve comfort, to reduce stiffness and improve freedom of movement, to reduce restrictions and increase range of movement, to relieve muscle spasm and improve suppleness.

Relaxing Treatment

My ethos in life is one of no violence, and I will not try to force the body in any way. I believe in prevention rather than cure, and I know that stress reduces the ability to heal.

For this and other reasons I work with the horse rather than against him, aiming for relaxation as part of the treatment process."

Together we discuss a plan of action towards improving your relationship and results with your horse.